

In addition to providing therapy in the natural environment for children 0- 3 years old, therapists at ELP also provide private therapy for preschool and school age-children in their home and school environments. Please contact us if you are interested in setting up an appointment for your child after reading these FAQs.

Parent Education

ELP offers parent education and support through our communication based play groups, parent consultations in partnership with Secure Beginnings and through Hanen programs in partnership with Language Builders.

Professional Development

Ellen Nightingale and Rachel Price have been mentors and leaders in their respective fields training other educators and therapists. Please inquire if you would like to set up a specific training for your organization or look for upcoming workshops and events.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do you provide private therapy services?
A: Yes, in addition to providing services to clients through Tri-Counties Regional Center for the Early Start program, we do work with children who are preschool age through middle school for speech-language therapy and occupational therapy.
Q: Where are services provided?
A: As a convenience to families, services are provided in your home or at your child’s school. Sessions are scheduled for 30 – 45 minutes/session depending on your child’s needs.
Q: Can I be a part of my child’s therapy?
A: We absolutely encourage you to partake in therapy. You will get the most out of sessions if you are able to carry over strategies throughout the week. If sessions are at your child’s school, it is strongly encouraged to have a session in home as well once a month to support skills in all environments.
Q: Will you accept an evaluation completed by another facility?
A: The evaluation needs to be less than one year old, or we will conduct our own to make sure it is the most accurate and up-to date for your child. At times we will need to conduct additional assessment which can be done during your child’s initial sessions with a therapist.
Q: Can you put diagnostic and therapy codes on my invoice?
A: A formal evaluation needs to be completed in order for codes to be provided. Please note that if you provide an evaluation completed by another facility for review, you must have the codes the evaluating therapist used in order for us to document them.
Q: Do you take insurance?
A: No, we are considered to be an Out of Network provider, and our practice is a “fee for service” agency. Payment is expected weekly for services rendered. A monthly invoice will be provided to you should YOU choose to submit for out of network benefits or participate in a Flexible Spending Account.
Q: What is your cancellation policy?

A: Please see our initial forms for our cancellation policy. For non-illness cancellations, we request a 24-hour courtesy.

Q: I’m interested in pursuing therapy for my child, what’s the first step?

Contact us so we can determine what type of evaluation your child will need and how we can best serve you.